Please Explain

Tips on Setting A Good Run for Thirsty

For those who are new to Hash, or have forgotten how to set a run, These notes are for you.

Volunteers offer to set runs every few months by advising the Trail Master, the web maintainers and the On Sex on the run location and where the on on will be, at least 2 - 4 weeks in advance.

The run setter needs to write the run report for the previous run or arrange for someone to do it, and send it to the On Sex in time for it to be forwarded to all members and for the web maintainers to post it on the web site.

The Hare needs to select and pre-book a café, restaurant or pub suitable for a Hash Group. It can also be a park or home run for which there will be self catering. Normally between 20 - 30 hashers (unless it is very wet or cold in which case less). It is worth working out where the bucket and circle will be.

The run should be approximately 50 - 60 minutes long and avoid busy streets & too many traffic lights. Walkers prefer less distance and time. There can be runners loops, but basically the pack needs to be kept together.

The Brew Master & Cats Piss should arrange for the bucket to be available to the pack in a reasonable  time. Bucket allowance is 2 beers or 2 other drinks (bubbles), after that it is $2 a drink paid to Hash Cash or the Brew master.

Everyone enjoys a well set run, a timely and well stocked bucket and a good ON ON Venue

Please explain - what the Hash lingo means

Are You?: Question shouted by the pack to front runners, meaning "Are you on the trail?"

Bucket: Discreet meeting at end of run to enjoy a drink or two before the Circle

Check: Trail mark indicating the true trail must be sought

Check Back: Call to indicate trail not found

Circle: Assembly of hashers at trail's end, normally for the purpose of conducting down-downs

Checking: Answer shouted by FRB to pack when asked "Are You?", indicating that FRB has not determined where the trail is

Down-Down: The ceremony of quaffing a beverage (an honour)

False trail: A short trail terminating with a bar across the top of the arrows, hashers have to find the real trail

FRB: Front Running Bastard

GM: Grand Master

Grand Mistress (or Mattress): A female Grand Master

Hash Cash: The Treasurer

Hare: Hasher who lays the trail

Hash Flash: Hasher who takes the photos/videos at runs & events.

Hash Trash: Weekly report on previous week's run

Harriette: Female hasher

Interhash: World hash gathering Approximately every 2 years

Hashing: The act of running a hash trail

Hasher / Harrier: Any Hash House Harrier (Drinkers with a running problem)

Hash Name: Nickname, usually bestowed in honour of a notable incident. Also Hash Handle

Mismanagement: Hash officials or committee

Nash Hash: A national hash event

On On: Shouted by the pack to indicate they're on trail

Live Hare: Hare who gets a nominal head start and is pursued by the pack as they lay trail

Merchandiser: Haberdasher who searches on-line for the best prices & keeps stock turning over

On Sex / On Sec: Hash Secretary

Pack: Group of hashers on trail

People Puller: Person who looks for opportunities to entice people along to HASH, erects banners at circles & events.

Scribe: Hasher who writes the Hash Trash

RA: Religious Adviser - normally in charge of blessing the hash and sometimes in charge of down-down ceremonies

Receding Hareline: List of up-and-coming hash runs and events

Shiggy: Thick vegetation, muddy or mucky

SCB: Short-Cutting Bastard - habitual short-cutter

Trail Master / Mistress: In charge of lining up hares for future trails